

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Get BuSY!

There are all KINDS of new trailer events popping up!

"Groovin in the Grove Car Show"

has added Vintage Trailers to the event, thanks to Fay and Chuck!
It's held in Santa Barbara on July 25th-27th.


AND there is another rally called
"The Citrus Classic" Santa Paula, CA.
Same date as Fay's gig, darn it.


The Murphy Auto Museum in Oxnard
is hosting some trailers again on June 28th, along with a car show..


and finally...
a BIG event scheduled for the Ventura
Ranch KOA, where they hope to get TONS of vintage trailers!
I haven't been to this campground..but it sure looks pretty in the pictures.

Whew! That is a lot of NEW rallies & shows!

These are in addition to "Pismo South" 
April 12-13th in San Diego, CA

"Trail Along to Pismo" in May
(which I had to cancel attending, due to a sales meeting, dang it)

and the one I am SO looking forward to:
"The BUELLTON Vintage Trailer Bash" 
in Sept.

In other news....

It's about time this lazy trailer gets to WORK!

Yup, Ellie Mae got a proper job!

Guess who she's workin' for?

That's right~! Old Navy is throwing a company shindig and has cordially invited 
Ellie Mae and 4 of her cousins
 to hang out and provide the 'Vintage cool" that only the oldie Campers can!

I'm jazzed 'cause all I have to do is haul her down to Coachella, park her and put up the awning, and leave her for a week.
She will be in good hands, 
no one will be sleeping in them, 
the trailers are just there for looks!
The tough life of a Supermodel, right?