So we have a bit of a failure going on at the moment.
Right now this table is banished to the garage for bad behavior. I am seriously thinking about getting a different glue and trying again.
Epoxy? E-6000? Gorilla Glue?
Not sure yet.
Since I changed the Formica, I wasn't digging my front curtains that much. I loved the pattern, but they were just clashing. It needed some turquoise in it.
So I went digging around in my piles of tablecloths, found a better match and sewed
new ones.
I think it ties in much better
The disco globe is going to get changed too...and the Slow Down sign we just popped up there temporarily
to hide the hole where the propane light was...I need to decide what to do there.
Little details.
While up in Ojai for work, my friend and & I decided to check out the Flying Flags RV Resort...where the
Buellton Vintage Trailer Bash is going to be held.
I am so glad we checked it out.
It is really beautiful and now I am super excited about camping there!
Most of the spots are wonderfully
shady and have nice grass.
Phoebe wanted to check out the larger grassy areas...
This is a Boles Aero..check it out..
it has two doors!
The park has lots of vintage trailers
people can rent and camp
This is going to be FUN!