

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

it's beginning to look a lot like..


I'm happily home from New Orleans (loved it) and now I am house-sitting for a couple that live next door to Dave & Bobbi in the canyon. 

Isn't this the coolest house? It reminds me of a Louisiana fishing cabin back porch ~
like the one inside the "Pirates of the Caribbean" ride at Disneyland.
  They have TONS of neat old things...including that white canned ham trailer above. 
They don't know who made it. 
I wish I had some photos of the interior to share, the wood and the oven are in great shape. 
Anyone know the make and model? 

They are thinking of selling it. 

I love this house, it's got character

look at the carving on this table! Gorgeous
..and more fun stuff

Ralph is a bit of a legend in the canyon...he's called 
'Barefoot Ralph', 
because, you guessed it, he doesn't wear shoes. As in, NEVER.

 Only in the canyon, LOL.


Friday, December 7, 2012

Here's a kitschy Christmas wreath I made for Ellie Mae to wear, when the weather gets better that's been rainy here in 'sunny' southern California.
I can't wait to get my end-of-the-year work done ( 2 conventions in a row )
so I can get to decorating her all up for Christmas. I have cute lights and many other vintage goodies for her.

 Like this vintage aluminum tree..on my kitchen table. Is that amazing or what?
 I love it.

See the Little Shasta?

Wouldn't it be perfect for the trailer?
  I doubt it will make it over to her this year. I am liking it too much at home!