

Monday, October 29, 2012

ReTro vs. PepTo

So I'm saying 'buh-bye' to the  
Pepto Bismol Pink...

And "helloOo" to coral... she is wearing her new color:


Much better!

 It does look kind of light in the picture they just sent me. They said it gets darker when it's dry...but
I don't know if these photos were taken while it was wet or dry. 
I'm going to have to wait till I see it in person.

At least it looks more Retro than 'Pepto'!

Rudy & Richard at 1-Day Paint
in Garden Grove are seriously
they have given 110% to make sure
I am happy with the job...
they even called in the expert from Sherwin Williams to mix the color up, custom, while I was there, so we would get exactly what we were looking for. 

I can't say enough about how great these guys are. If you need something painted, GO HERE! 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The paint shop sent me these pictures a minute ago..and I'm kind of freaking out because it looks REALLY REALLY person it probably looks closer to what I picked,
which is peachy-salmon, NOT 
"bubble-gum-pepto-bismol" pink!
at least that's what I am telling myself.
over and over and over...
They also painted the bumper and tongue pink which needs to be white. Maybe it was masked off, I don't know.

 it's only paint, right?


Saturday, October 20, 2012

Primed & ready...

The guys from the paint shop emailed me these pictures today, pretty nice of them!
They told me the trailer gets a lot of attention from the other customers.

Of course she does! :0) 

Friday, October 19, 2012

it's Prime Time

I had to drop off a part I forgot
(the spare tire holder)
so I snuck in the back and snapped a few shots.
She's getting masked off
 for primer which she'll get done later today.

If the tape looks off center at the 'point' of the wasn't centered exactly on the now that will get fixed.

Does anyone else second guess themselves when it comes to paint color? I ALWAYS do. I decide..and then..

This is what I picked:
But this Tiffany Blue was a close second...
The suspense is killing me.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Today I stopped in at the paint
shop to drop off a drip rail...they've worked on some of the body....but not much else yet. 
The manager just got the self etching primer in today.
No hurry, I want a nice job done guys! ;0)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

bye bye blue stripe...

Dave finished up some details yesterday that needed to get done before the paint goes on,
such as..


Then it was off to the paint shop!
This is exciting!
I went with 1-Day Paint and Autobody in Garden Grove. I will pop in and check up on her progress on my way to work. Thank God I have a job that allows me to make my own schedule.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Off to the Paint Shops

Ellie Mae finally got to go out today...1st time out since I got her. We hitched her up and hauled off to get some quotes on bodywork and paint. Wow. Way more expensive than I first thought...but everything is more expensive these days, isn't it?
It was fun watching people's reactions to seeing the trailer...we got some smiles and a few thumbs up.
We stopped at 5-6 shops, and it turned out everyone was around the same price, give or take $400 or so.
Sweet old Rolls Royce at 1 Day
This Rolls belonged to Foster Grant, of  Foster Grant Sunglasses... I wish I had got a few more pictures of it, it was a beauty. No idea why it was at a place like 1 Day Paint!

We noticed a bunch of Airstreams parked in a lot...we had to check it out of course....

 It was a shop that restores only Airstreams...they weren't very friendly folks...but it looked like they did nice work.

Got back and I talked Dave into installing an old mirror I have had forever. I love how it looks. We have a few things to do to the trailer before she goes back to get I now have to find some misc. items to get her ready.

 It will be nice to get the painting done and get onto the inside.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

life in the canyon..

I always look forward to going to the trailer..aka Dave & Bobbi's house.
The canyon is peaceful and it feels like a million miles away from city life.
These are common sites:

Turkeys out for a stroll

and Deer!!! :0)
The turkeys were all out of their pen and wandering around. Maybe making a break for it?
Today these deer were down by the to the road, so close I could almost pet them, but by the time I found my darn camera they wandered on up the hill.
So beautiful!
Dave introduced me to a cowboy riding by on a paint horse, turns out he is Rusty Richards
one of the Sons of the Pioneers
the original band of Roy Rogers.
My dad will flip when I tell

Ellie Mae did get worked on today ~
it was time for some Bondo.
I have to say, that stuff is awful,
 horribly smelly, dusty to sand, and just not fun at all.
Even Dave hated it, and he used to do it all the time.
We may just haul the trailer to Santa Ana and let some guys do it.
It's that nasty.


and more bondo...

rebuilt light and painted frame

Yay! The license plate holder is back on

 Sunday we will buckle her up and take her on Monday to a few paint shops to get some quotes, I am praying it won't be much.

Friday, October 12, 2012

behind the scenes..

Not much happening on Ellie Mae...I needed to be in Vegas for work for a whole week 
and Dave was busy on regular jobs. I did decide to bite the bullet and have my oven re-porcelained.
I am thinking a yellow color, somewhere in between butter and darker.
Gigi's is in Hollydale, right down the street from a stable I grew up riding at.
It's NOT cheap folks! 
At this point it is better for me not to do the math on everything spent so far..but I can't help it. I want to do it right.
The old sink went in too. The sink will just be white. 
Tomorrow we will start some bodywork. The rain is supposed to be over now
(I don't know about that...there are still dark clouds this afternoon) 
so we'll see what we can get done.

~ fUn StUff~

I did make a fabric flag banner and then had to make a mini one, just because the 1st came out so cute! Full size banners cost $25 on Etsy, and seriously it takes all of 1/2 an hour to whip one out. It's more fun to make it yourself anyway!

(Bad pix, camera phone)