

Saturday, September 29, 2012

NeW Friends

Dave and Bobbi introduced me to Bev & Bill, who live in the canyon and have a '57 Shasta Compact.
What a nice couple, and what a cute vintage trailer they have!
 I somehow didn't get a picture of them with their little Shasta, I was so in awe looking at it I forgot to snap lot's of pictures. ?

Here is a pic of Bill and Bev at a rally. Love her dress! 
I can't wait to take my trailer to some of these events. Bev says everyone is super nice and it's great fun dolling up your trailer with vintage goodies.

...I have enough vintage stuff to doll up a whole rally, God knows.

Now we just have to convince Dave and Bobbi that VINTAGE Rv'ing is the way to go!

It only took a second to make this

Monday, September 24, 2012

another Shasta Sunday

today was "paint the roof day" for me. 
Wow, what a difference paint makes. Ellie Mae's roof looked pretty sad before, but after a gallon of the rubbery roof stuff, it looks brand new!

today was 'fix the stove day' for Dave. When we first got the trailer, the burners worked, but the oven didn't.

After some new/old parts were installed, and a small little fire was put out (EEK!)
Dave got it all sorted out and now I have an oven that works perfectly.
Oven heating up

I still hate the grey color though.
The panels I got from another stove don't I'll have to figure something out for these ugly grey originals. Yuck.
Dave said powder coating might work.

At least the inside is nice and new looking. It doesn't look like it was ever used and it's a happy blue color. :0)
I have some parts to take home to try to clean up....

You can't even see what I worked on today..but it's one more thing I can cross off the list. Dave says next up is some bondo work on the lower half. He used to own a body shop, so he knows how to do that thankfully. Then we'll get to paint her!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Shasta Saturday


Hi all!

Today was a great day..we got a lot done. That's a great feeling. Sometimes, this project just seems NEVER ENDING and it gets scary.
But today, it seems like we turned a corner and are in the home stretch, headed towards 1st!

Dave said soon I will need to decide on the exterior color. Wow..I actually haven't made up my mind about that yet.

I think Ellie Mae might end up being a coral-pink, but Dave (being a guy) is pushing me towards blue. 

 I didn't know we were so close to painting...I thought I had more time to think about this!
Meanwhile, we got her all prepped for the roof paint, which we will do tomorrow. Today being prep, kind of equals 'no fun'...but tomorrow we will knock it out.

Dave sanded the top...while I scraped & scraped the silicone around the J rail on both sides. 

(You don't wanna KNOW how dirty your hair is after a day like today. UGH)

Phoebe however, knows how to spend a Saturday..naps are in order!

Ellie Mae also got a new threshold, which was badly needed..the old one being a ripped up piece of metal that would tear your foot off.
Dave fabricated a piece of metal and got that on..

Looks MUCH better..
 He also got to work on the step. While it isn't an original "Shasta" step with the cool logo cast in it, it IS welded on strong, and totally functional. So he pounded it out as straight as possible and we will be happy with that. I will paint it down the line of course.

Yup, looks and works just fine!
Next it was time to throw some ribs on the BBQ and have a great dinner. Thanks Dave and Bobbie again for all the nice things you do for me!

Monday, September 17, 2012


Getting the tail lights on got me to thinking about all the other 
'Fun stuff" that this project has left to do...such as DECORATING!

That's the best part of it for us gals, and I cannot wait!

Been scouting Etsy and I have so many things I'd love to get.

Here are a few:

 Happy artwork!

Two chairs like this would be fantastic

I am gonna try to sew a pennant or two

I'd love a vintage Ice Chest like this one, but the seller wants over $100!..I'll keep looking.

How CUTE are these handmade potholders? I see one or more in Ellie Mae's future...

Ellie Mae has LIGHTS!

I decided to stay home instead of heading up to Santa was a bit cooler 
(97 degrees..ha!) 
and I wanted to make some progress. I wish I could have gone to see all the vintage trailers...but I am gonna make going to the Buellton rally WITH Ellie Mae in tow as a goal for next year!

Anyway, we got so much DONE..
I LOVE weekends like this!
I polished and polished...thank GOD for all the beautiful shade trees on Dave and Bobbi's property ..

 Dave came up and said 
" Let's do the lights "

Two Dave's are better than one!

 We got lucky as the original wiring was in good shape, AND when Dave tested them all...the lights all worked just like they should!

I think Dave was expecting a bit of a nightmare, but everything worked perfectly the very first time!

Sometimes, you just get lucky.

Measuring the position

Make it water tight

Lens on and it looks great!

other side in..

 How about that polish job, eh?


FINALLY Ellie Mae has a rear end to be proud of!

I polished up a little vent that needed to go back on..

And that was the end of this weekend.

Friday, September 14, 2012


It's been too hot here to do much of there's not much new to report at the moment.
This weekend there is a Vintage Trailer Rally up in Buellton 
(near Santa Barbara) and I am thinking of grabbing the pooch and running
on up there to check it out!
Might make a few new friends and besides, who needs much of an excuse to go to Santa Barbara? 
Not me!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

mY Trailer hAs a NamE...

Leave it to my best friend Bunny to come up with the PERFECT name for my trailer!

Ellie Mae...
after the critter-loving bombshell from 
"The Beverly Hillbillies".